Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Roy Lichtenstein

Roy Lichtenstein is an american artist who helped contribute to the pop art movement in the 1960's. He is well known and has worked along side many great artist such as Andy Warhol, Jasper Johns and many more. Roy considered the pop art movement to be a big event in his life and even  went as far as calling it Industrial Painting instead.

Hideyuki Nagai

Japanese artist Hideyuki Nagai was born February 7th 1991 in Wakayama. He  specialized in the new form of 3D sketch work at a young age and has created many sketch and even flip books throughout the length of his career.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Gaudi Architecture

These intricate designs can be found all over Barcelona created by  architect Antonio Gaudi  they are greatly admired all over the world. This is considered to be a big tourist attraction being that this type of architectural work is so unique. Antonio's work is greatly influenced by nature which is why he chooses to transform the look and feel of the stone. He is most known for using curved stones and twisted iron sculptures with very bright tiles and colors.

John Stezaker

Conceptual Artist John Stezaker began his career in the 1970's and graduated from the Slade school of art in London. His technique of combining surrealism and collages put together has landed him many solo exhibitions all over the world. He is most known for his strategy of taking already made images such as photographs, post cards, ads etc and pasting them together to create in essence  a different scene that together can still be seen as a whole.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Paul Insect

These vibrant Prints are by artist Paul Insect who also goes by the name of Pins. Paul Insect rose to fame with his solo art exhibit which was featured at the Bullion and since then has been in the spot light. He has worked alongside with great artist such as Banksy himself.

Space Invader

These little mosaics have been randomly placed in Countries all over by the anonymous artist Space Invader  .

Su Blackwell

Su Blackwell is most known for her elaborately designed book sculptures. She creates them from the pages of old books she owns and has read . She has been cutting and piecing together scenes in stories for years, she uses a craft knife to cut and shape the pages of certain parts of the story she would like to use and then reinforces them with glue and cards to make it three dimensional, she is also very careful with keeping the pages away from UV light.

Ben Slow

London Artist Ben Slow, we think he has some pretty awesome pieces wouldn't you agree?.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013