Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Alec Monopoly


Banksy a Bristol, England street artist whose identity is unknown has risen to fame for his creative and contreversial stencil pieces . His work is known for its hidden political messages and unique potrayel of them.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Ellis Gallagher

Ellis Gallagher is a New york city chalk artist, he outlines the shadow of an object with chalk on sidewalks all over the city.

Sunday, February 24, 2013


New york Graffiti Artist Seen 

Hitsujiyama Park

This huge hill of pink you see is Hitsujiyama Park in Japan, the park extends to about 16,500 square meters. It is entirely covered by shibuzakura translated pink moss these  flowers are in full bloom from April to early in May .

Garbage Shadow Art

Friday, February 22, 2013

Ken To

These intricate little models are by copper artist Ken To though this is not a new type of artwork , he certainly excels at  it. Ken To seems to put more focus on the details of his work rather then just visual appeal he pays attention to the shape in which he forms each wire rather then an overall look .Ken started his collection by first making a tree for his wife in 2007 as a Christmas gift and didn't make another wire tree until 2 years after. Soon after some more practice he discovered a way to make the job easier and now makes all his trees with a specialized kind of copper and aluminum wire. 

Sylvia Ji

Sylvia Ji we think her work speaks for itself .


This is Bore a Portland based graffiti artist .

Garden bottle

Randomly stumbled upon this 

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Dillon Boy

These creative pop art prints are by contemporary artist Dillon Boy, also known as James Dillon Wright. He is a man of many talents he specializes in graphic design, toy design and even illustration. He is famous for his stencils and the technique in which he creates and spray paints them . He currently resides in Italy where his main focus is creating big street art pieces.