Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Yok

 The Yok is a Brooklyn based street Artist who has traveled the world painting murals and taking part in grand exhibitions. He is known for collaborating with big names such as street artist Sheryo and Never. The Yok is most recognized for his big headed swirly mustached characters and dramatic coloring. He started his career in a salty sea shack in the town of Perth where it inspired his unique nautical style.

Check out more from The Yok



The unique murals you see below were all created by Brooklyn based street artist Sheryo. Sheryo is known for her many collaborative pieces especially with famous street artist The Yok you can often see their work side by side or morphed into one. She has traveled all over the world creating big scale pieces in places such  as Thailand, L.A , Indonesia and many more, she is originally from Singapore.

If interested in more of Sheryo work check out the site below 


Monday, April 29, 2013

Conor Hanrrington

These murals and paintings are by Ireland based artist Conor Harrington . His work is most recognized for  his stoic soldiers and drastic contrast in elements.

Know Hope

 Street artsist know Hope was born in Los Angeles and know currently resides in  Tel Aviv , Israel . His  work has traveled and been featured in many exhibitions and galleries all over the world. He is most famous for his elongated and exaggerated figures which are supposed to represent the day to day struggles and vulnerability of humans. He is known to have many installments of the same figure in murals paste ups and specific sites.

Bishop 203

Graffiti artist Bishop 203  we feel his stuff is pretty catchy.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Japans Firefly Squid

These bright blue squids can only be found in Toyoma, Japan they are known for coming  up to the surface yearly and creating a magnificent display .They are a smaller  member of the squid family and the only kind of squid that is able to see color. They grow up to about 3in and 7cm long and often reside by Toyoma bay whose seawater has a very high mineral content.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


These murals below were created by Germany graffiti artists Herakut which is a collaboration of two separate street artist known as Hera and Akut . They have been painting together since 2004 after meeting at The Urban Art Festival Sevilla in Spain. Though they create work as one they have two very separate ways of painting and their approach on art. Akhut has been spray painting since age 14 with no artistic background all of his work and techniques are self taught. He is also known for  having all the work he creates transferred to a PC where he then uses aerosols paint  to create the image dot by dot.  On the other Hand Herakut herself believes that there is no need to plan out work so thoroughly she feels as it mentally ties the mind and is well known for creating a lot of her pieces on a large scale.

If interested in Herakut check out the official site below 


Greg Gossel

These pieces below were all created by artist Greg Gossel  born in Western Wisconsin and now a resident of Minneapolis, Minnesota . Greg Gossel is most Famous for his take on pop art with his unique multi layered look. His work usually consists of silkscreen, Xerox copies, signage and billboard scraps. He is known for constantly obscuring his images while painting over to build depth all while creating a collage look to his pieces.

 If interested in his work official site is listed before 


Hey Guys

Hey Guys its Status here and we really appreciate everyone who has been viewing our blog lately. We would just like to announce that we are in the process of creating a Facebook page and it would be greatly appreciated if you guys would come check it out and even like us, here is the URL listed below  thanks for your support !.



 These prints are apart of a series created by artist Nicked.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Dolk Teddy Riot

 These large scale murals are by Dolk Teddy Riot we think they're pretty impressive.


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Ian Francis

These paintings were created by Bristol , Uk based artist Ian Francis. Ian Francis is famous for his unique style of painting and process in which he creates every piece of work. He gets his inspiration from interesting photos that he finds in things such as  books or the internet and then roughly sketches them out leaving only half of it completed and then paints over it tying in other elements he feel will complete the look.

 Official Site Listed Below 

Antelope Canyon

These amazing photographs of  the Antelope canyon were taken in Page, Arizona. This canyon is one of the most photographed locations in the American southwest. The antelope canyon also known as a slot canyon was created from the erosion of sandstone and  flash flooding.