Tuesday, April 23, 2013


These murals below were created by Germany graffiti artists Herakut which is a collaboration of two separate street artist known as Hera and Akut . They have been painting together since 2004 after meeting at The Urban Art Festival Sevilla in Spain. Though they create work as one they have two very separate ways of painting and their approach on art. Akhut has been spray painting since age 14 with no artistic background all of his work and techniques are self taught. He is also known for  having all the work he creates transferred to a PC where he then uses aerosols paint  to create the image dot by dot.  On the other Hand Herakut herself believes that there is no need to plan out work so thoroughly she feels as it mentally ties the mind and is well known for creating a lot of her pieces on a large scale.

If interested in Herakut check out the official site below 


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